Friday, August 29, 2008

Joe Has a New Trick

I can tell a difference in Joe's behavior when she is getting hungry. She is more aggressive and you might say a little more inventive. Yesterday I saw Joe hunting in the lower pond. A first for me. This pond is fed by the waterfall at Joe's Station seen at the top of the picture. The pond is about 6 feet deep and the sides are concrete so there isn't much to grab onto. The sides aren't vertical but there isn't much purchase for Joe to plant her feet to jump a bird. Nonetheless Joe was in the lower pond following birds around the perimeter as they tried to get a drink of water. I thought it was a lot of effort on Joe's part with little chance of return. What do I know...

I don't think she was successful in the lower pond yesterday. She was back on station in the early afternoon and again around sunset last night.

This morning she was still on station as the sun rose. I'm beginning to think that maybe she is up all night and sleeps in the afternoon. I know in the spring the frogs start "singing" around dusk and go well past my bedtime.

It wasn't long after this mornings sunrise that Joe disappeared. Haven't seen her anywhere so I have to assume she had a successful hunt and is now under the bridge fighting off that 30 foot anaconda that I mentioned in the "Up Chuck" post.

On the weather forecast the designated liar said rain and cooler temps were starting Sunday. He also said the LAST of temperatures in the 90's would be Saturday... as in tomorrow! I have very little faith in the local news's designated liar to predict the weather, however, the news makes me wonder just how long Joe will be hanging out in my pond. There is so much I don't know about frogs. I've talked to Joe. I even asked her questions but I guess she is too shy to answer. Maybe if I kissed her she would turn into a princess. More likely I would wind up with a big wart on my nose.

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