Sunday, August 17, 2008

King of the Pond

Joe was up and at 'em this morning. I've come to expect him at his post when I open the shade and look out. I was wondering where Joe will spend the winter. Being as big as he is I'm sure this isn't his first winter.

Today he was much more aggressive than yesterday. I'm thinking his aggression level is in direct proportion to his hunger level. While I can't be certain he didn't score a meal when I wasn't watching I have to think he has been unsuccessful because he stayed on station.

As I sat sipping a cup of coffee I saw a mourning dove land on one of the flat stones. Joe was right at the base of the rocks. The dove hopped down toward the waterfall seemingly oblivious to Joe. Of course Joe was dead still. The dove was less than a foot away from Joe when it turned it's back on him. Immediately Joe leaped from the waterfall onto the rock. His mouth on the rump of the dove. The dove took flight. It was like Joe's mouth just slipped off the feathers. It was all over in a couple of seconds. As best as I could tell there was no damage to the dove. I don't think it even lost a feather. While Joe is a big guy I guess he has a year or two to go before the doves become a reality on his menu. Talk about eyes being bigger than your stomach! On the other hand, if he were to grab the dove from the front it might be a completely different story.

Joe resumed his position on the waterfall and within a couple of minutes a small bird hopped right down to the water and was drinking. Joe submerged and you could see the telltale ripple on the surface of the water to know he was zeroing in on opportunity number 2. Joe shot out of the water but was a bit short of the rock. His foot must have slipped or it was divine intervention because this little bird escaped but only by the skin of it's beak. Whew, action happening fast and furious this morning.

I left Joe to his hunting. When I returned to the window a few hours later I didn't see him. I thought he must have scored a bird and went to hide under his rock for a rest. Then I spied him crawling out of the lower pond. He sat on a rock next to the statue of the King Frog. I was able to get this photo. I can think of a few captions that would make one smile (if you like, leave a caption in the comments and if I get a few I'll publish them on this blog). While this isn't the best picture it was the best I could do on short notice. Within 10 seconds of taking the picture Joe was gone. I saw him later under his rock, snoozing I guess.

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