Friday, May 4, 2012

New Life All Over the Place!

Baby birds, toads mating, gold fish mating, gourds pop'n up, flowers... flowers... flowers... My great-niece is having a baby today too! Ahhhh SPRING!

We join our finch chicks as they celebrate their 5th day since coming out of their shell. I suppose it's technically their 3rd, 4th and 5th day out of the shell but keeping track of who was hatched when is a bit nerd-like and while I'm a geek and probably a bit nerdy I'm not going with: Today is day 5.

Here is this morning pictures: note the leg and foot, there are the beginning of feathers on some bird rumps under some of the fuzz, their eyes aren't open (still!), they are bigger or the nest is shrinking.

Mom leaves the nest very often during the day. I've observed dad come in, feed the chicks and leave without the help or supervision of mom, however, if she is around the food is supposed to go from dad to mom to chicks. Hungry chicks keep both mom and dad busy.

Now over in the pond the Woodhouse's Toads have reunited from the long winter sleep and are in the process of making toadlets.  Last night there were two males trying to outdo each other with their screech'n songs... must have be music to some lady toad as they are dance'n that toadpole producing dance this morning. I'll not be posting pictures of the toad mating as they would look just like last years pictures and the year before that.

Also in the pond the goldfish are attempting to mate. Ya know, we have never seen a baby goldfish and when the 2 juveniles showed up they had to have been around for many months maybe even a year. One would think a goldfish would stand out. Another nature mystery.

I counted seven gourd plants with their heads above the dirt.

It seems all systems are green and Ma Nature is moving along at a good clip.

All is well at the Red Tail Ridge Home for Two "Ol Pharts.


1 comment:

Janine said...

When I saw that stretched out neck all I could think about was that children's book where the horn gets stuck in the bird's neck and everytime he speaks, it blares out HONK! What a funny picture.