Tuesday, May 15, 2012

No.. I'm Not Leaving ...
I'm Scared

I though the oldest chick would have fledged this morning... but nooooo. This little guy jumps around and flaps his wings and preens like he knows what he's doing but he isn't leaving.

Mom and dad have stood by coaxing him to flight but he just hasn't worked up the courage.... yet.  I did get a brief video of him out of the nest... I saw him jump to the trellis and got the recording going as fast as I could.  He didn't stay out of the nest for long. Probably more fun stomping on his sib's.

Here is the trellis video:

This next video is probably the longest I've posted but it has a lot of stuff going on. You will see excellent flapping exercise, stomping on your sib's fun, mom and dad trying to encourage the oldest to leave the nest... obvious now. Notice how when one chick stands tall the others expect it to feed them... funny critters huh.

The nest is getting smaller it seems as day 16 moves forward. Their fuzz is almost gone except on the head... like old man eye brows.

Certainly tomorrow we will have at least one chick fledge.


1 comment:

Janine said...

At 4:22 it looks as if the baby has a gigantic sneeze. It's funny to watch them sit there and not move after Dad comes to feed them- just hoping for more yummies from the direction he popped in. Meanwhile, they entertain themselves with preening, sneezing, leaf grabbing... Busy busy nest anymore. And really, what is better than Brother Stomping? I like that myself.