Sunday, September 14, 2008

Here's Look'n at Ya

Joe made another appearance this afternoon. She was looking so cute I couldn't help but take her picture to share with her fans. If that mouth isn't a Joe E. Brown mouth I don't know what would be.

Her pond is still empty. The pumps are shut down. Work continues on Humpty Dumpty Falls this pleasant 80 degree afternoon. I've taken a few pictures so you can see what I'm doing.

In this picture (left) you see the ladder stretched across Joe's pond. Humpty Dumpty Falls is just beyond the ladder.

The ladder is there so I can sit while I toss rocks and adjust stones versus standing on rocks that move and then I step or stumble or even fall in the water. Hey, it works for me.

The green bucket is sitting on the last waterfall which is also Joe's station.

This is just a wider shot (right) of the work area. While you can't see her, Joe is in the pond at the bottom of the picture. This is the last pond in a series of 5. This pond is the deepest. About 4 feet on the left side and almost 7 feet on the right side.

You can see the bird feeder on the right side of the picture. Whoopee!

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