Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Joe's Station Completed ~ Where's Joe?

Here it is. Hot off the press. This is the new and improved Joe's Station. A little blood from razor sharp shards of quartz, now dulled by a small sledge hammer. A plethora of "pucky." The better part of a diamond grinder blade. Unknown dollars. Not to mention the sweat. We now have a repaired and improved waterfall.

What we don't have is Joe! The last time I saw her was Sunday morning. She didn't hang around for long and she hasn't returned that I've noted. On the other hand, the little darling, my granddaughter, was here briefly on Monday. She said she thought she saw Joe under the bridge. Grammy couldn't see Joe but I think I'll go with the granddaughters eyes over Grammy's.

I started the water flowing on Monday evening about 6:00 PM. That makes it about 26 hours of run time without anyone clomping through the pond. The weather has turned cool again. Yesterday the high was in the middle 80's. Today the high was maybe middle 70's and it was into the 60's before the sun set. I doesn't take long for the water to cool and Joe to cool with it. Since this is my first season monitoring a bullfrog I have no idea when she will give it up and settle on the bottom of the pond.

Since I don't have any Joe news I thought I would throw in a picture I took this morning of Joe food. Yep, that would be sparrows.I don't know what kind of sparrows these are but I do know they are sparrows. So for your viewing pleasure I present the bird feeder with birds. Note the little guy on the left coming in for a landing... that's cool me thinks. I have more pictures of the birds but haven't posted them as this is a frog blog. If you would like to see them leave me a comment and I'll post a few.

In the mean time rest assured I'm watching for Joe and will advise if she should turn up.

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