Saturday, September 27, 2008

No-Name Falls Rises Again!

Some times it ain't easy being me and I'm not even green.

I want to tell y'all that I found the leak. It was not in the bridge pond. It didn't require a patch. There was no hole in the liner. Without feeling the least bit guilty I can pass the buck on this SNAFU to the most incompetent pond builder this side of the big dipper. That covers a lot of territory... a lot!

As things usually go I have to admit I'm not squeaky clean here. I hate it when we have swords we have to fall on or foots we manage to shoot or dirty laundry that needs to be aired.

I made 2 mistakes.

Mistake 1. If you recall in my last post I told you I was able to add 2 or 3 inches of water to the pond hoping to find the leak. I should have added 3 or 4 inches of water and things would have been different.

Mistake 2. It's either A: rationalization or B: laziness or C: both. When inspecting the shoreline of the pond I skipped an area. I rationalized that this area had never been touched since the pond was built and therefore couldn't possibly be the source of the problem. Wrong 'ol boar breath. I was lazy.

The leak was in that undisturbed corner (area with the red circle). There was a potential leak under the falls filling the pond (arrow). I would have found it if I had just moved another 3 feet of river rocks. I didn't move that 3 feet until today and for that I'm having to rebuild no-name falls. I could have fixed the problem in less than 30 minutes if I had moved those rocks. I didn't. I wish I had. Too late now... get over it. I am now finished falling on my sword, shooting one of my foots and the laundry has gone in the dryer.

I have a few choice words for the pond builder. Idiot is the first thing that comes to mind. Shoddy work. No pride. Just get-r-done and collect the cash and run.

Enough ranting. The problem has been resolved.

I've started rebuilding the falls which is the last thing I have to do prior to filling the pond with H2O. I'll be using the same flat stones with new foam. I spent a couple of hours scraping the foam off the stones and then using a wire wheel on my drill to clean them further. I finished re-stacking the river rock around the shore line. I expect to finish the falls in the morning. Have the pond filled by 4 or 5 in the afternoon. Working, as in pumping, immediately following the filling exercise.

There is a lesson here... could it be: Don't be lazy? Rationalization usually isn't a good thing? Don't hire pond builders with the word "stupid" on their forehead?

As we used to sing at IBM... long ago: Ever Onward (click to download).

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