Wednesday, May 9, 2012

More Chick Feathers &
Vivid Picture Experiment

If your finished laughing at the previous post (Ha! Cracks me up*) I'll move on with today's chic-pics.

Wow, look at the feathers! And look near the tail and you see feathers that appear complete. When did
all this happen? This is day 10 except for the little guy on the right... he wasn't a first day hatchlet... he
appears to be on day 8 or 9. That nest is getting full.

I've been trying to learn about the capabilities of my new camera.  It's amazing to me all the functions they can pack into a camera. One of those functions it to enhance a picture of foliage with what they call vivid colors. I decided to give it a go... kinda neat methinks. 

 Here are the results of the vivid picture experiment.

This is a "non" vivid picture of  some Firewitch Dianthus. Very colorful to my eye.

The same plant but with VIVID colors. To me it's like the plants have a bright light shining on them... maybe it's just me!

Another vivid pic but zoomed in a bit. I sure like these flowers.

The last of today's vivid pictures. The Border Lily (I call 'em Lizzy Borden's) look really nice contrasted with
the green of the leaves. 

So what do you think of enhanced pictures? After looking at a vivid picture the "regular" picture looks kinda drab.  An eye trick?  I wonder what a chick would look like enhanced with a vivid setting....


* The term "crack's me up" was popular when I was in Jr. High until ~ I don't know when. I don't hear it much now days but then that might be because my ears are old and don't hear a lot of things.  I suppose if I were Humpty Dumpty the term wouldn't be near as cool. 

1 comment:

Janine said...

The photos are so bright that I will have to remember not to read the blog while it's dark. I'm blind!